Personal Medication Counseling at Hwy 20 HomeTown Pharmacy
We Are a Teaching Pharmacy
Knowledge is power. Medications prescribed by your doctor are often confusing, especially when you are taking more than one prescription at a time. We believe it is important that patients know about their medications to really benefit from the therapy. Many people take two or more drugs, and need to know if there are interactions between them. Some medications have serious side effects that are important to know how to manage or avoid.
Help Us Teach You
At the HomeTown Pharmacy, we have two private counseling rooms. There we can sit down and privately discuss your medications, and answer questions you may have about them. Not only do we counsel on medications, we also demonstrate:
- Inhalers and spacers
- Insulin injection devices
- Blood glucose monitoring kits
- Nebulizers
- Blood pressure measuring machines
- And more
Pharmacists have consistently been rated among the most trusted and accessible health care professionals. This is a reputation we respect. We strive to be worthy of it by reliably counseling with our patients about how to effectively use their medications and medical devices.